- 資格:獲有國內外知名大學資訊管理或資訊科學等相關領域之博士學位(須於2022年7月31日前取得博士學位)
- 學術專長:資訊管理或資訊科學相關領域,具「資料科學」、「人工智慧」、「商業智慧」等專長尤佳
- 具備條件:高度的教學與教育熱忱、良好的研究能力,具備英語授課能力者尤佳
- 起聘日期:2023年8月1日
- 意者請備妥以下資料(資料恕不退還) :
- 應徵信(請務必附上聯絡方式:電話/e-mail)
- 履歷:含學經歷、著作目錄、專長領域、未來研究方向、可教授課程及課程大綱(含大學部與研究所碩士班,若能以英文授課之課程請加以註明)等
- 大學、碩士、博士歷年成績單掃描檔各一份及最高學歷畢業證書掃描檔一份(若為國外學歷,歷年成績單及最高學歷證書皆請加繳經駐外單位驗證後之掃描檔,並提供留學期間之入出國日期證明書)
- 教師證書掃描檔(無者免附)
- 現職聘書掃描檔(無者免附)
- 七年內代表性著作全文抽印本(至多三篇),無助理教授證書者請另檢附博士論文掃描檔
- 二~三封推薦信(請推薦人e-mail寄至本系im@nuk.edu.tw)
- 其他有助於審查之資料,如專利、計畫、獲獎等
- 應徵資料收件方式:
- 將申請資料請於2022年10月31日前以e-mail寄至本系(im@nuk.edu.tw),信件主旨請註明「應徵教職-xxx(姓名)」,本系收到資料會回覆e-mail給您「已收到文件」之確認訊息。請您務必確認有無收到此封確認信,如未收到回覆信件,請向系辦陳秘書確認。
- 凡經本系教評會初審通過者,將邀請至本系面談(若尚在國外,採用視訊面談),且得視需要邀請至本系舉行公開演講。
- 聯絡人:陳明君小姐。
電子郵件: im@nuk.edu.tw
- 備註:本校教師之聘任需經三級教師評審委員會審議通過,並經校長核定後聘任。
Faculty Openings
The Department of Information Management at National University of Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung, Taiwan is seeking one faculty member at all levels. Applicants with the following specialities are preferred: Data Science, Business intelligence and Artificial Intelligence. A Ph.D. Degree (was obtained before July 31, 2022) in Information Management, Information Science, or Computer Science related fields is required.
Interested applicants should send the required documents in electronic files to Faculty Search Committee at im@nuk.edu.tw.
The required documents include:
- Cover letter
- Curriculum vitae: including education, experience, publication list, research specialities, future research fields, syllabi of courses to be offered (please indicate English-taught courses), etc.
- Photocopies of Ph.D. diploma and undergraduate and graduate (Master and Ph.D.) transcripts (Foreign diploma and official transcripts must be notarized by Taiwan’s embassy.), and Certificate of Entry and Exit Dates during study abroad.
- Photocopies of assistant professor certificate (or above) issued by Taiwan Ministry of Education (M.O.E.) or other relevant documents (if applicable).
- Photocopies of Employment Certificate (if applicable)
- Reprints of selected publications within the past 7 years (at most 3 publications) (If there is no assistant professor certificate or above, please provide a copy of Ph.D. dissertation.)
- Two to three recommendation letters (sent to im@nuk.edu.tw)
- Others (Profession, Qualification, Award, etc.)
Application deadline:October31, 2022
- A notice will be sent to shortlisted applicants for next reviews. Please provide e-mail and phone numbers at which you can be reached.
- If the information is incomplete, your application will not be accepted. Materials are not returned. Please keep the original draft yourself.
Contact information:
For further information, please contact Ms. Ming-Chun Chen via e-mail or by phone:
Tel: +886-7-591-9326
Fax: +886-7-591-9328
E-mail: im@nuk.edu.tw